Well, I must say that
English is not something that drives me crazy, I mean that I understand a
little, not enough to communicate easily, but enough to understand the basics
concepts and not die trying. At first, I thought that English at
the University would be more difficult, like if I have to get out bilingual or
something like that, but now I know that is not much more than what teach in
High school.
I suppose that blogs
should help us to improve our English by making us learn more words and increasing
our vocabulary, but I think that this way is not the best; I don’t want to criticize
your methods, is just that sometimes it turns a little monotonous and bored. The
good thing of blogs is that we don’t have to be necessary in the classroom to
do it.
I’m not saying that I’m
an expert in English and that I don’t have anything to improve, actually my
English is very poor, but really don’t interest me so much to be good on this.
Obviously, I’ll not think this way when I want to travel and I have to master
this language, but until that, I suppose that I don’t necessarily have to
really really try so hard.
The aspect that I know
that I have to improve of my English is my pronunciation, I speak very very bad
in English, and I barely understand this language when someone else speaks it.
But that is a problem that I have, I don’t really like too much speak in
public, and the only way of practice is by doing it with someone else, and to
me is very difficult because is make me feel ashamed.
And how much I use my English
out of the classroom? Well, I suppose that I use it even when I don’t realize,
like when I heard music in English, when I see movies in English and I can understand
some parts without seen the subtitle and stuff like that, is not too much, but
is something